Draytek Vigor2130 Broadband Router - Firewall & VPN server - Broadband Router - Multi media router - NAT throughput upto

Draytek Vigor2130 Broadband Router - Firewall &  VPN server  - Broadband Router - Multi media router - NAT throughput upto

Giá: 2,242,500₫(Giá bao gồm VAT)

Điện thoại/Zalo:
Email đặt hàng:
Địa chỉ:
622/16/5 Cộng Hòa, Phường 13, Quận Tân Binh, TP. Hồ Chí Minh
Địa chỉ:
228 Chi Lăng, Phường Gia Hội, Thành Phố Huế

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Thông tin kỹ thuật

  • Gigabit Multi-media Broadband Router:
  • - 1 Giga WAN, support IPTV (Multi-vlan)
  • - 2 USB port connect: 3.5G modem, USB printer, FTP server, USB Disk
  • - 4 Gigabit LAN port with VLAN port based
  • - Support Triple play: Internet, IPTV, TR-069
  • - Support 2nd subnet for IP Routing Usage
  • - Support IP Alias for Multi-NAT
  • - NAT throughput 500Mbps down/upstream
  • - NAT sessions: 30.000
  • - Limit Session and  Limit Bandwidth. App QoS for the application prioritization
  • - Dynamic DNS: DynDNS, No-IP,...
  • - DHCP Server/Relay Agent, DNS cache & proxy.
  • - Firewall security with SPI, DoS & DDoS, DMZ, Port Redirection, Open port
  • - Bind IP to MAC. Policy-based IP Packet Filter, Object-based Firewall, MAC base Internet Access control URL Filter, Time Schedule Control, Syslog/Mail alert. 
  • - Content Security Management:  IM / P2P Applications Blocking, GlobalView Web Content Filter (Powered by Commtouch )
  • VPN Server
  • - VPN sever with 2 VPN tunnel, Easy for Client-to-Site & Site-to-Site
  • - VPN Protocol: PPTP, IPSec, L2TP, L2TP over IPSec
  • - VPN Encryption: AES, MPPE and DES / 3DES
  • - VPN Authentication: MD5, SHA-1
  • - Dead Peer Detection (DPD)
  • Multi Media
  • - Các ứng dụng trên 02 cổng USB 2.0: NAS, Itunes server, DLNA, FTP server, 3G Backup, File sharing, Torrent

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